Ectoplasm Jelly Bomb: Spooky Treat or Halloween Nightmare??

Who knew that a bath bomb would be such a rollercoaster of emotion and give me so much to write about!

Ectoplasm is one of the new Jelly Bombs from Lush which launched this summer and this one is part of the Halloween collection. The idea if that "they turn the water into a nourishing jelly to moisturise thirsty skin".

This is the first Jelly Bomb I have tried so I was very excited to see how it was going to work. After filling the tub I dropped the bomb in and initially I was disappointed with its performance as it fizzed with purple and green bubbles but only turned the water a pale green with no sign of jelly. I was hoping for something a lot brighter, like a neon green which looked like my bath was made of Flubber.

Getting into the bath was a challenge as the Jelly Bomb made the bottom very slippery so I had to be very careful. Once in, I could tell that it had worked and the water had definitely changed. I had expected all of the water to become jelly but instead mine was lumpy with chunks of jelly floating around. If you are sensitive to textures this would not be for you. After initially getting over how weird it was, I did enjoy the bath as it smelt amazing and was very moisturising. After a while I did notice that some of the jelly started to dissolve.

Trying to get out of the bath was once again a slippery affair and I did have to rinse off as some of the jelly stuck to me but even that didn't get it all off. I let the tub drain as normal and went back about half an hour later expecting there to be a bit of residue to clean off. How wrong I was. Unfortunately there was a lot more than residue left; there was tons of jelly sitting at the bottom of the bath and clogging the plug hole. I panicked as this was not suppose to happen and I had no idea what to do. Initially, I poured a kettle of boiling water down the drain but it didn't really help. Then, I decided to scoop all of the jelly out of the bath with a plastic cup into jugs. As I didn't know what else to do with it, I poured it into ziplock bags and then put them in the bin. After cleaning up all of the jelly I flushed the plug with water again and it seemed to drained away slowly.

This is not what I expected to have to do after using a product that is supposed to cleaned away easily. It completely ruined the relaxing bath experience and was actually quite stressful. Especially, as this was happening at 11pm.

I have spoken to a couple of my friends who have used this Jelly Bomb and the Snow Fairy version. One of them had a very similar experience to me and the other said hers created a shower gel like substance that floated on top and then dissolved. I've also looked online at other reviews and everyone seems to be having different experiences but they mainly fall into these two types. Overall these Jelly Bombs seem to be very inconsistent and it's definitely put me off trying another one.

There are so many wonderful Bath Bombs and Bubble Bars that I would prefer to use instead so I can't see myself buying these again. Jelly Bombs are also one of the most expensive Lush single use products at £4.95 each.

Although my experience with this product was bad, there are a lot of people out there who love it. If you do decide to give a Jelly Bomb a go, please let me know how it works for you! I hope they release other products with the Ectoplasm scent because that was my favourite part of this whole experience.


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